We here at Glasslyn love all animals great and small, and that includes our Irish Wildlife!

Whether they are handed in by the public, or referred to us by the CSPCA or other wildlife sanctuaries, we dedicate ourselves to treat them.

Found an injured animal and not sure what to do???

Below are a list of organisation that can help:
CSPCA 0214515534 www.cspca.ie
Wildlife Rescue Cork [email protected]
Seal Rescue 087 195 5393 [email protected]
Bat Rehabilitation Ireland 085 721 9400 [email protected]
If the animal needs to be removed immediately due to injuries or severe stress and it is safe to so, you can wrap it in towel or jacket, place it in a box and keep it in a quiet warm place until you have spoken to an expert (except for Seals, do not touch, just call the helplines)