As all Dairy Farmers may be aware by now , there have been changes in prescription practices driven by the challenge of AMR and the vet council/department of agricultures enforcement of same. (More Responsible use of antibiotics going forward)


Watch a very informative video by Caroline Gavin SSVI,  explaining what the changes mean for vets and farmers.


A new veterinary-led consultation for farmers has been developed by Animal Health Ireland called Cell Count Solutions. The objective of this free mastitis consultation is to help facilitate a collaborative approach between the vet and farmer, to ensure better SCC and mastitis control on farms.


During the consultation, all relevant areas  including the cow, the milking routine, the environment, records etc. will be discussed. The consultation is available throughout the entire lactation and there aren’t any eligibility requirements necessary to register.  Please call our clinic and we will answer any questions you may have.


Why is this Consultation process important for the farmer?


To facilitate our compliance with the legislation , we advise you to sign up for the service because it will have significant implications for the use of lactating antibiotics and dry cow antibiotics , as well as improve the ability to prescribe for your herd.


We will be calling all our Glasslyn Dairy Farmers over the coming days and weeks with further information.