Did you know you can get fined up to 150 euro for not picking up you dog poop in a public space in Ireland?

But let’s say there is no dog warden around, do you still pick it up? A recent study showed almost 40% of people admit to not picking up poop!

Lets’ see if we can convince you otherwise, Apart from being unsightly and a nuisance when you step or roll through it, it actually is a health hazard:

  • Children are mostly at risk, mainly because hand to mouth movements occur frequently without washing their hands.
  • Faeces can transfer commonly known bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella spp., Campylobacter spp. , which lead to vomiting, diarrhoea and in rare occasions to kidney failure.
  • Certain tape and hook worms can also be passed onto humans and as we are not the desired end host, these worms can cause serious trouble in our eyes, brains and livers!
  • Last but not least, it is thought that bacterial resistance can occur when a dog faeces are ingested from a dog who is or has been treated with an antibiotic. Superbacteria that do not respond to antibiotics can emerge.


So please, it is simple: Pick up after your dog, lets ensure cleaner walkways for the elderly, wheelchair bound, joggers, strollers and children.

At Glasslyn we are always happy to give you a spare poo bag – and if you are on a walk and you really have forgotten your bags – why do you not approach a fellow dog walker and ask for a spare one?